Reservations (361) 215 9283

What type of hunting license do I need?

It depends upon what you are hunting and for how long you are hunting in Texas. PLEASE CONSULT THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE LICENSE AND STAMP ENDORSEMENTS.

Is the ranch high fenced?

The Lonesome Coyote Ranch is the best of both worlds. You can hunt 7,500 acres of high fence property or about 3,300 acres of huntable low fence property.  By the way, it is all fair chase because our smallest high fence pasture is 500 acres.

Why do the deer have ear tags?

There are three reasons you will see an ear tag in a whitetails ear at the Lonesome Coyote.
First, prior to our purchasing the dos rios and chiminea divisions a scientific study was conducted. The scientist captured whitetail bucks from a helicopter then scored their horns and aged their teeth. The color of the tag corresponds to the deers age.

Second, we are under special permits (DMP) with the state of Texas that allow us to capture one buck and 20 does from the pasture and place them in a 3 to 5 acre pen. As the deer go into the pen the state of Texas requires their ears are taged. The purpose of this program is to ensure that a great buck is breeding 20 of your does. These pens are NEVER hunted.

Finally, we are a Texas licensed scientific breeding operator. What that means is we select a certain buck to bread certain does in order to grow big whitetail. Those deer are NEVER viewed by customers until they are liberated from the facility. They are also NEVER hunted for at least another year after their liberation and the smallest pasture they are released into is 500 acres. These whitetail are not pets, in fact, they have as little human contact as possible.

Can we hunt together?

We can accommodate people hunting together. We have several comfortable three man blinds. However, if people are not having luck together we may suggest separating to improve everyone’s chances.

What happens if the whitetail I shoot turns out to be bigger than what the guide calls it in the field?

If you shoot a deer that our guide says is in your price range and the deer turns out to be larger than how he scored “on the hoof” then the ranch takes the loss.  Our mistake our consequence but if you shoot something that the guide tells you not to shoot then “you shoot you buy” applies.

Can I bring my own dogs to quail hunt and will I get a price break if I do?

Of course you can bring your own dogs to hunt quail and we will be happy to decrease the price some.

Can I hunt hogs with dogs?

Unfortunately we do not allow hog dogs on the property.

What do I need to bring?

Texas hunting license, your gun or bow, ammunition or arrows, binoculars, camera.

Are there rattlesnakes?

Yes there are rattlesnakes. You may see one if you are at the ranch during the spring or summer when they are moving more.

Do you sell ammunition at the lodge?

We only sell shotgun shells

What does guides choice mean?

Guides choice is a whitetail that does not meet our management criteria. Often times, it is a whitetail that the guides have not seen all season and the ranch needs it taken at the first opportunity.

Do you process or taxidermy the animal?

We do not process the animal but we can recommend two different processors depending on what you want to pay and what you want to have done. They are also both great taxidermists.

What about taxidermy?

We do not currently do taxidermy but can recommend a couple of different taxidermists. They also both do excellent processing.

What caliber of gun do I need?

The minimum caliber we recommend for whitetail is a 22-250. Please note that assault rifles are not recommended unless you have a short magazine, because you can not get a sturdy shot in our blinds with a longer clip. For younger children we will allow them to use nothing smaller than a .22 Hornet.

Do I need an ice chest?

If you plan on taking your whitetail home prior to processing you need to bring at least one large ice chest. We sell small ice chests in our store that birds fit in nicely. Also, we have an ice machine on property to fill up your ice chests.

How many birds can I take home?

Dove 30, Quail 15 is bag and 45 is possession.



Is there anything to do close by?

There are no major towns close. Corpus Christi is an hour and 10 minute and San Antonio is an hour and a half. So no there is not much to do close by.

What airport should I fly into?

We recommend flying into the San Antonio International airport in order to get better connections and prices. The other option is Corpus Christi but the connections are not great and usually the prices are a little higher.

Do you provide transportation to and from the airport?

We provide transportation to and from the Corpus Christi airport. If you fly into San Antonio we recommend renting a car and making the short hour and a half drive to the ranch.

Is the facility you are showing the one I will be staying in?

The pictures you see on our website are from our ranch. So yes that is the lodge and the bedrooms.

How old are the pictures you are showing of the facility, of the successful hunters, etc.?

The pictures on the website are from the time we bought the place and started having hunters at the ranch. So there are no pictures older than 2007.

Do you have cell service at the ranch?

AT&T works fairly consistently and there is one or two places on the ranch where Verizon and Sprint occasionally work.

What if I forget something, is there a store close by?

There are small stores 30 minutes from the ranch but we try to have spares of toothpaste, etc.

What type of clothing do I need?

Texas is known for its fast changing weather. It can be in the 40s in the morning when you go out and be in the 80s by lunch. So bring clothes to layer with. Bring a hunting shoe that thorns will not puncture. It is not necessary to bring snake boots unless that is what you want to wear. We do have snake chaps you can borrow if there is a need for you to wander in the brush or you are bird hunting.

Can you accommodate special dietary needs?

Yes we can as long as we are informed of any dietary restrictions prior to groceries being purchased.

What does the nightly rate cover?

The nightly rate covers your lodging, meals, & open bar.

What is the standard Gratuity?

The standard in our industry is 10 to 15% of the package.

We invite you to explore our website, check out the photo galleries and learn more about the various hunt packages we offer. For more detailed information or to speak with a member of our staff, give us a call at 361-215-9283 or write to us through our contact page.